Monday, January 27, 2014

My Wonderful Family!

Going away to college has its ups and downs. You get to explore new places and have new adventures, but you leave behind some amazing people. My family is pretty much the most amazing family ever. 

My sister is the best. She's gorgeous, a straight out jock, and hilarious too. I'm pretty sure one day I'll see her face on a box of Wheaties. I wish I could be home to see more of her basketball and softball games, because she's a beast. Nuff said. Keep kickin' booty Cora. 

My mom is wonderful as well. She's beautiful, sweet, and fantastic at being a mom! My dad is super funny, crazy, and the best, too. I just love my parents. They're always there to help me through any struggles I may be having, whether they be emotionally, financially, or otherwise. I couldn't have asked for better, more loving parents!

I just wanted you all to know that I miss you dearly! Family is such a precious thing, and unfortunately, you learn that more when you don't get to be around them daily. I hope that all is going well at home, and I love you all!

Best family ever^^^


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Hello all! Comments are welcome, and I will try to get back with you as soon as possible! :)