Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Hello Again - Living in a Foreign Country

I'm back! 

Ha, sorry for the huge delay in posts; I guess I've been busy. :) As most of you know, I'm currently in Sweden studying abroad for the semester. I'm keeping a travel blog here, but I'd like to keep this separate and as a blog where I can write down my thoughts on life, God, etc. 

Today, Jonathon and I visited the migration board so we could finalize our residence permits. We walked into this building and up several flights of stairs, coming to a door that I was a bit apprehensive to open.

As we walked inside we were met with a strong smell of body odor and many, many people gathered into this room - all there to receive some kind of help in this unfamiliar country. There were whole families: parents and their children, single moms, individuals, all stuffed into this room. 

We realized that some of these people had been waiting there for hours already. We had made appointments and did not have to wait long. They must have truly needed help if they were willing to wait in this smelly room for hours. 

One cute little boy in particular caught my attention. As I was getting my photograph taken for my permit he kept running under my curtain and running back out, like a game. 

In this moment, I felt my heart break a little for these people. I don't know their stories or why they came to Sweden, as you could tell from the colors of their skin, languages being spoken and their attire that they were not the typical Swede. I don't know whether these people were coming to this new country for opportunity or because they were running away from something. It takes quite a bit for one to want to leave the comfort of their own home. 

As my first thoughts when I walked into that room contained disgust at the interesting smells, they changed to thoughts of compassion and love when I saw these people and looked into their eyes. It's crazy how God can change your heart in one look, in one moment. And in that moment, I was also the foreigner. I was the one in a new country and away from home. I have God though, and I couldn't help but think of whether or not these people knew Jesus. Jesus who could comfort them and bring them joy.

I feel kind of silly writing this, as I'm sure many of the people in this office were in Sweden happily and just exploring a new country. My mind just keeps wandering to the what-ifs. I keep thinking about all of those faces, and I have been challenged to pray for those beautiful people. I'd like to ask that you would join me in that! I would also love your prayers for me while I am here, that God may use me in a way that I could not do by myself. 
