My sister is the best. She's gorgeous, a straight out jock, and hilarious too. I'm pretty sure one day I'll see her face on a box of Wheaties. I wish I could be home to see more of her basketball and softball games, because she's a beast. Nuff said. Keep kickin' booty Cora.
My mom is wonderful as well. She's beautiful, sweet, and fantastic at being a mom! My dad is super funny, crazy, and the best, too. I just love my parents. They're always there to help me through any struggles I may be having, whether they be emotionally, financially, or otherwise. I couldn't have asked for better, more loving parents!
I just wanted you all to know that I miss you dearly! Family is such a precious thing, and unfortunately, you learn that more when you don't get to be around them daily. I hope that all is going well at home, and I love you all!
Best family ever^^^